Stockmobil is a simple solution.The software is based on decentralized stock management by site and by mobile.PC software provides a general view of stocks on the sites, as well as the history of movements. Mobile software per site allows you to: Create an article: label, family, unit, description, Minimum quantity in stock for an alert to the storekeeper by email. (An article in your case may be the raw material, packaging, but of course the various finished products.)Create a stock entry: choice of a family, choice of an item, quantity entered, scan of a location (barcode required on each location)Transfer stored articles between 2 sites, to smooth out surpluses on one site and shortages on another.Create an exit: Encode the reason (exit order number, 1st material restocking number, ...) scan of the location, select the article, quantity, validation of the exit from stock. PC software (centralizes all stock and also gives a view by site) 1 / SettingsItem management: correction, additionLocation management: location numbering, on which site, printing of the location barcode to pasteFamily management: creates the labels of the families of stored products (according to the types: raw material, packaging, material, finished products, etc.)Site management: name, address, city, postal code, countryStorekeeper management: last name first name email (used to warn if an item is in minimum stock), provides validation of inputs and outputsMobile management: serial number, it is a mobile to manage stock entries and / or exits 2 / Stock vision:Inventory table: Site, location, date entered, item name, description, unit, total family in stock.Search possible by: by site, by location, by label, total in stock by site, total in stock everywhere 3 / Movement: history of entries / exitsTable of movements: direction (entry / exit), scan date, site, mobile serial number, quantity, label, item description, family, unit, reason (order number, ..), user name / first name, location, Validated by : storekeepers nameSearch possible by: by location, by description, by name / first name user, by reason (order number, ..), by family.